Thursday, June 3, 2010


I LOVE Hydrangeas and was so happy to have a nice mature bush in the front corner of the yard
here at the rental house.

We have enjoyed cutting the blooms and placing them around the house. Doesn't the house just feel so much more alive with fresh flowers scattered about?

The color variations are so beautiful!

So what is your favorite flower?


Beth said...

These are beautiful, Amanda. My neighbor has a bright purple one. I know that there is some way to get the different colors, but I cannot remember now...Sulphur, or something.
Hydrangeas are wonderful, because they require very little care.

Zahra said...

I like all kind of flowers,bit I live in a flat, in Malaysia,as you know,the weather is so humid,so keeping flowers in the flat is difficult because it gathers a lot of insects and flies...