Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Truck loads of Dirt

Day 4
The dirt was delivered...18 loads in all!

Day 5
More dirt...

Thankfully, they were able to get it spread before the rain came! I did not go out there to take pictures before it started though!

Tomorrow, the plumber comes to rough in before the slab is poured!

Friday, November 26, 2010



The foundation crew worked on Turkey Day to get the blocks laid. It was so exciting when we went out there and saw the outline of the house! I couldn't believe this was really our house going up!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


 DAY 2

The footers are poured.

Blocks delivered!


Monday, November 22, 2010

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Breaking Ground

Our family did a little ground breaking ceremony before the crews came out to really break the ground. It was a very special time for our family!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Fantastic News

We are breaking ground on the new house TOMORROW!

 I can't wait! It has been a long time coming and now it is FINALLY here!  I will show you what all gets accomplished tomorrow night!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

E's Mirror

I saw this mirror in the Tar-jay sales paper. I have admired the bigger version of it at Lowe's for quite a while now.  When E saw it she fell in love with it too and wants it for her room. It looks like it may be the perfect size for above her dresser.
The best part is that it is only $15! The bigger ones are in the 70-80 dollar range.  I guess I will just have to go to Tar-jay and check it out before they are all gone :)

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Paint Color - Dining Room

In our old house, we used Laura Ashley Olive 4 for our dining room walls and I have loved it ever since! I want to do the same in our new house.

I have since noticed several people around blogland have also used it. I snagged this picture from Rhoda at Southern Hospitality. She used it in her kitchen.

I can't wait to finally get started decorating! I know we won't be painting for a while (at least 3 or 4 months), but I wanted to go ahead and pick out the colors so I can start buying things we need to furnish the house as I see them on sale.

Thankfully I have a lot of things already for this room since we used it at the old house!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Paint Colors - Main Area

For the main area of our house, I am leaning toward Eddie Bauer's Pecan for the paint color.

(A close- up of the "Pecan")

The following is other colors we are considering.

"Peanut Shell"


"Brown Teepee"

So what do you think? Which is your favorite?

Monday, November 15, 2010

Kitchen Appliances

We have been pricing new kitchen appliances over the past few months. (They quickly add up let me just tell you!)
I have had a specific make and model that I was interested in, so we have been checking all the big retailers waiting for a big sale on them. Finally this week they are on sale!

We took our information to a local appliance store (that we have been wanting to use all along) to see if they could match the prices.

The salesman told us that a huge sale was about to start later in the week at their store. If you buy the fridge and the stove, you get the microwave (vent) and dishwasher for FREE!

YEA! Not only are we saving over $700, but we get 2 FREE pieces of the kitchen set!

I am so excited because it is the one that I was REALLY wanting to get in the first place and I am not having to settle for a one that was less expensive for the sake of saving money!
God has continually blessed us in this process. I am so thankful to have this online journal that I can come back to and remember these "little" blessings along the way!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Stylish School Room

I love the set-up of this space. It looks so stylish too! Lots of places to display their works of art and personal things while still being able to share the space.

Notice how everything goes all the way up to the ceiling...great use of space! The clear chairs are just too cool!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Update #3

We should have our closing date THIS WEEK!

Not to worry, we have been busy picking out appliances, flooring, and even paint colors. I will try to show you more of that later on this week!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Paint Color - S's Room

We have been trying to decide on paint colors for the new house. After seeing this picture over at Just a Girl, I think we have found the color for S and M's room. 

I asked S what she thought of the color and she said, "Oh I love it! Can I have it for my room?" I think that settles it don't you?