We have been pricing new kitchen appliances over the past few months. (They quickly add up let me just tell you!)
I have had a specific make and model that I was interested in, so we have been checking all the big retailers waiting for a big sale on them. Finally this week they are on sale!
We took our information to a local appliance store (that we have been wanting to use all along) to see if they could match the prices.
The salesman told us that a huge sale was about to start later in the week at their store. If you buy the fridge and the stove, you get the microwave (vent) and dishwasher for FREE!
YEA! Not only are we saving over $700, but we get 2 FREE pieces of the kitchen set!
I am so excited because it is the one that I was REALLY wanting to get in the first place and I am not having to settle for a one that was less expensive for the sake of saving money!
God has continually blessed us in this process. I am so thankful to have this online journal that I can come back to and remember these "little" blessings along the way!