Thursday, June 25, 2009

The Attic

The kids have found a new place to play at the land....

up in the attic of the shed!

They like to play store using all the stuff we have stored up there. They have even played school using their school desks! It is such a fun place to play and let their imaginations go wild!

Friday, June 19, 2009

One Side is Complete!

Scot worked so hard this week trying to finish shingling this side of the shed! All his hard work paid off on Thursday night when he nailed the last shingle up! (well, for this side at least!)

Doesn't it look great? I am so proud of him!!!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Shingles are going up!

Scot is beside himself today...why you ask? because he was finally able to start putting shingles up on the shed!!!!
Thanks to the help of Larry they were able to get a good start some of which he will now be able to do himself.

There are parts that are definitely 2 men jobs - like chalking the lines.

Other things he will be able to handle by himself. I cannot tell you how excited he is about this...and trust me I am too. I am ready for the shed to complete just as much as he is!